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Streetscapes & Boulevards

In 2013 the West Gorge Transportation Committee worked with Saanich staff to have some of the recently formed boulevards planted with shrubs and flowers instead of grass or more concrete.


Saanich contributed the plants and planted these gardens with the understanding that our community would be responsible for looking after them and helping them thrive (watering and weeding). So far, the boulevards are in areas of recent road works and traffic calming and we currently have 6: 1 at each of the 2 pincher points on Obed Avenue; 3 on the sidewalks on Dysart at Cowper; and one above the wall on the north side of Cowper at Austin. We currently have 13 people who have volunteered to look after these 6 gardens.


Other areas of greenery are the 2 traffic circles on Bodega. These have been planted with some beautiful shrubs that will grow over the years into a garden that intersperses the 2 long pieces of pavement that make up Walter and Davida. The plants in these circles will be watered by Saanich’s under-ground watering system.


Planting your boulevard with a garden or a boulevard tree can help make our community even greener. If you are interested in planting your boulevard, check out Saanich’s guide.


Click here to get more info about joining this group.


If you can’t do this formally, feel free to pull a weed or pick up any garbage you see in the boulevard or traffic circle gardens!

Boulevard Tree Planting Program

Saanich offers a tree partnership program allowing you to have a new tree planted on your property frontage. You get to select the tree species from the given options and must agree to water it.  Saanich will purchase and plant the tree(s)!

The GTCA has actively promoted this program and since 2014, close to 100 trees have been planted in our neighbourhood.  These trees beautify the streets, help the environment and even increase property value. 

Click here for an application to get a FREE tree for your boulevard. 

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